residential services
Northern Recycling & Waste Services offers weekly residential waste collection services and bi-weekly recycling and yard waste services throughout Butte County. Due to our rural community, all rates for service are quoted through our customer service department. All calls are answered by our friendly, local customer service staff. You can reach them
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 530-876-3340.
cart sizes and services
Trash: Gray Carts
Cart sizes are available in 35,65, & 95 gallons. Included in these services are recycling and yard waste carts.
Mixed Recycling: Blue Carts
Select a 95 or 65 gallon blue cart for mixed recycling (please note that 65 gallon containers are reserved for MHP's and special circumstances, 95 gallon is the standard size for all new accounts). Put all recyclables (paper, bottles, cans, plastic, metals, etc.) together. Please remember to flatten boxes, rinse & empty containers, and keep recyclables loose (avoid plastic bags, string or tape). For a complete list of acceptable items – click here.
Yard waste: Brown Carts
Carts are 95 gallons. Yard waste consists of grass clippings, leaves, garden pruning's & branches 3 ” diameter or smaller. Please no rocks, dirt, animal waste or painted wood. Items outside the cart will not be picked-up. Only company-owned containers will be serviced.
Please note that all recycling is free, the more you recycle the more money you save, and more importantly the more you help conserve resources and reduce environmental pollution.
All carts have wheels for your convenience.
All garbage services are available weekly.
All recycling and yard waste services are available bi-weekly. Items outside the cart will not be picked-up.
Only company-owned containers will be serviced.
Please no hazardous wastes such as automotive fluids, pesticides & fertilizers, paint products, cleaners, batteries, etc. Click here for hazardous waste disposal options.
All carts must be placed roadside before 5:00 a.m. the day of your service.
For highest efficiency, put your carts out for service only when they are full.
Place your carts two feet apart and 4-6 feet from any obstruction, such as cars, mailboxes, or basketball hoops, so the collection truck can easily approach the cart.
Place the cart so the lid opens toward the street and the handle is away from the street.
**Once serviced carts need to be pulled in from the street within 24 hours. More than 24 hours before or after pick up day the cans need to be out of the front yard setback which is 50’ from centerline of a public street and 30’ from centerline of a private road.
correct cart placement
Carts are 2-3 feet apart, lid opening is facing the street and the carts are not next to any carts, mail boxes, or other obstructions. Please note: that this is an example picture only, recycling and yard waste carts are not serviced together. Once serviced carts need to be pulled in from the street within 24 hours.
incorrect cart placement (1)

Carts are to close together. Carts need to be at least 2 feet apart for the automated truck to pick them up.
incorrect cart placement (2)
Carts are to close together and are facing the wrong direction. Lid opening should always face out toward the street. In this position the lid will open and block the material from entering into the truck.
extra collection
Please contact our office prior to your service day if you find that your total amount of waste exceeds the capacity of your container. "Extras" include any refuse or yard waste placed outside, on top or, or around the container, and will be picked up for a nominal charge.
If you are in need of a container larger than just a few extra bags please contact us about utilizing our 4 to 6 cubic yard containers called "temp bins." For larger jobs, inquire about the rates on a 20,30, or 40 yard debris box. And remember the more material you separate out for recycling the more you save; we offer reduced rates for recycling a yard waste bins.
special pickups
Special pick-up of large household items or extra debris are available if needed. Please note that any estimates given over the telephone are subject to change when the driver assesses the quantity of the load. A 24-hour notice is required for special pick-up requests.
medical excuse/off street service
If (for medical reasons) no one in your household is able to place the carts at the curb, NRWS will collect the carts off street at no charge. A medical note from a physician must be filed annually with NRWS for this service.
beyond street service
If you’re unable to place your carts at the street curb (example: for long driveways) NRWS will drive to the point of pickup for an extra charge that depends on the distance from the street. Please call for rates.
vacation stop
Customers may stop service 2 x per year and may stop service for a minimum of 4 weeks and NRWS will not charge for that period. Advance notice (minimum 2 business days) is required to arrange for this service. Note: there is a 2 stop per year (4 week minimum) and a total of 6 months per year allowed.
Payment for services
Billing for residential service is quarterly in advance. Billing cycles are January, April, July, and October. Please contact our customer service department for more information about what day we service your neighborhood and for additional information related to your service needs. Online payment is available, as well as after hour drop off at our office.
Special event recycling
Special events provide a great opportunity to recycle…do you wonder why it is missing at so many events?
NRWS is committed to increasing recycling at events and helping you make it work. When you call us for service for your event we’ll help you select the right recycling and trash containers for your needs and we’ll provide guidelines for successful event recycling.
State and County policies require recycling at large events. Plus, recycling will save you money because there is no charge for separated recyclables at events…while there is always a charge for trash collection Click here for more details.
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