
Home generated sharps
Improper disposal of home generated sharps is a heath and safety threat to children, home health care providers, trash & recycling workers, and pets through accidental needle stick injuries. It is illegal to put sharps in the trash or recycling! Please dispose of your home generated syringes, needles and lancets in a safe and legal manner.
approved disposal methods
Personal Physician:
Contact your personal physician. He/she may accept your sharps as a courtesy to you.
Mail Back Programs:
The following companies provide sharps mail back services. Each service has different procedures and fees so it is important to verify the packaging and mail back process:
MedPro Disposal: 888-641-6131,
EnviroMed Safety & Compliance: (877) 340-2430,
GRP & Associates: (800) 207-0976
Medasend, Inc. Sharps mail-back service: (800) 200-3581,
Sharps Compliance, Inc. SCI Mail Sharps Disposal System: (800) 772-5657,
Stericycle, Inc. Sharps mail-back service: (800) 355-8773 or (800) 527-0666,
Waste Management MedWaste Tracker. To order individual mail-back solutions, residents can call 866.931.6321 option 1 or order on-line at
Waste & Compliance Management, Inc. (866) 436-9264,
Local Disposal Options:
These local facilities have kiosk where you can drop your sharps off anytime during business hours. If you have a large tube of sharps it may not fit in the kiosk, please make sure to take such large container directly to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
Paradise Police Station: 5595 Black Olive Dr, open 24hrs a day.
Butte County Household Hazardous Waste Facility: 1101 Marauder St. Chico,
Feather River Health Center: 5125 Skyway, Paradise: (530) 872-2000
Butte County Fire Station #64: 22 Walnut Dr, Kelly Ridge, 538-7228
Gridley Household Hazardous Waste Recycling: Ord Rand Rd. Gridley, 743-6933
Neal Road Recycling & Waste Facility: 1023 Neal Road, Paradise, 345-4917
Recology Butte-Colusa Counties Oroville Household Hazardous Waste: 2720 S. 5th Ave. Oroville , 533-5868
How to Handle Sharps Legally and Safely:
Sharps should be transported in an approved sharps container, obtained from a physician or pharmacy. A tightly sealed, leak and puncture resistant container with lid (bleach bottle, coffee can etc.) is an acceptable alternative. Please label container as “sharps.” Sharps transported in plastic bags or paper bags or other non-puncture resistant containers will be refused.
Remember To:
Immediately after use, place sharps in the container point down. Do not attempt to bend or break the needle or syringe. Do not put the cap back on the needle. Keep all sharps and disposal containers out of reach of children.
Butte County Department of Environmental Management, 538-7581
Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal, 1-(800) 643-1643,
California Department of Public Health,